Crown Architecture
Crown Architecture & Consulting started days before the worst collapse of the economy since the Great Depression. Crown’s Principals, through client retention from previous senior corporate roles, perseverance, ethical work practices and delivering an appealing final product, have been the foundation for Crown being one of the few professional services firms that grew exponentially during recent turbulent times. Recognizing the flaws and hurdles embedded in New York City Agencies, coupled with the delays and finger pointing that occurs through using multiple professional service providers, Crown has created a vertically integrated model offering Architecture, Due Diligence, Code Consulting and Expediting under one roof. Crown has a deep understanding of each layer, and the foresight to shorten renovation time and avoid delays. Crown understands that for architecture and design to be utilized to its potential a thorough understanding of constructability and the application of city code must be as inherent in the firm’s culture as their ability to draft. Providing a turn-key service enables Crown to fully conceptualize a project while seamlessly implementing in a rapid approach. Objective 1: The dissection and application of city code, complimented by our distinctive design, thus qualifying and maximizing the potential of the client’s property. Objective 2: Conceive progressive designs that will be defined as a reflection of our current society for future civilizations. Objective 3: Utilize our vertical integration of FF&E to maximize the client’s budget.
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Latest News 2
Apr 28, 2023
Senior Housing Project Approved in Morris Heights
Nov 08, 2022
Permits Filed for Senior Housing Project in the Bronx
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