Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP is a dynamic law firm known throughout the business, financial and legal communities for our aggressive and creative problem-solving skills. We provide legal excellence and innovative solutions. Sound business judgment. Practicality. Grit.
Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP Overview
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Key Contacts 9
Title: Associate Real Estate & Finance | Zoning & Land Use
Phone: 215-569-2897
Email: sboggs@klehr.com Location: Philadelphia, PA
Title: Partner
Phone: 215-569-4585
Email: rpatterson@klehr.com Location:
Title: Partner Real Estate & Finance | Zoning & Land Use | Environmental
Phone: 215-569-1569
Email: hgrigos@klehr.com Location: Philadelphia, PA | New York, NY
Title: Partner
Phone: 215-569-4144
Email: jacevedo@klehr.com Location:
Title: Associate
Phone: 215-569-4364
Email: laltieri@klehr.com Location:
Title: Partner
Phone: 215-569-4142
Email: larem@klehr.com Location:
Title: Partner
Phone: 302-426-5513
Email: tayala@klehr.com Location:
Title: Associate
Phone: 215-569-3288
Email: mbannon@klehr.com Location:
Title: Partner
Phone: 302-426-5501
Email: rbeck@klehr.com Location:
PRO Organization Data Available with PRO
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