1160 Flushing Avenue
Final EIS Submitted for Bushwick Commercial Proposal
The City Planning Commission (CPC) recently reviewed an application for a 9-story, commercial development, proposed at 1160 Flushing Avenue in Bushwick, Brooklyn. It requests a zoning map amendment, which is required in order to facilitate the project. In more recent news, the CPC is now conducting a post-hearing follow-up vote, and the applicant, Totem Brooklyn, has just submitted its final Environmental Impact Statement for the project. Following the CPC's vote, the application will be sent to the City Council for further evaluation. With only a few steps left to go in the public review process, this proposal is quickly nearing approval.
The proposed development plans call for two separate structures; a 9-story rise, and a single-story section, connected by a cellar level. Although this configuration sounds a bit unusual, the buildings would offer square feet of retail space, spanning the entirety of the smaller structure, and the bottom two floors (+ the cellar) of the larger one. The resulting layout would create a little alleyway, lined with shops and complete with public seating.
In addition to retail, the larger building would feature 40,732 square feet of light industrial space (occupying most of the 2nd floor and all of the 3rd), and square feet of leasable office area (spanning floors 3 through 9).
If the requested zoning changes are approved, an existing industrial building would have to be demolished at the site in order to make way for the new development. Now that Totem's application is well into the public review process, final approval could realistically take as little as 2-3 months if all goes smoothly.