Odenton MARC Station Development Update 12/04/24

MDOT Releases RFQ for Development of 12.58 Acres at Odenton MARC Station

MDOT is seeking to redevelop a 12.85-acre parcel of state-owned land currently serving as surface parking at the Odenton MARC Station for transit-oriented development in a manner that would deliver a project to achieve the following objectives:

  • A dense mixed-use development with a particular focus on housing, that supports a healthy and competitive Maryland economy;
  • An increase in transit ridership;
  • Improved safety and security in and around the Odenton MARC Station area;
  • Innovative Project amenities;
  • Multimodal access to facilitate walking, cycling, shared mobility, auto drop-offs and/or bus transfers; and
  • Enhance the connectivity between the Site, Odenton MARC Station, and the existing neighborhood.

The parcel will be accommodating a County-Owned parking garage that will consolidate parking and subsequently allow for development to occur on the remaining portion of the site. This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is an opportunity for interested development teams to submit their qualifications to MDOT for consideration of being selected for inclusion in a group that will be afforded an opportunity to respond to a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for the West Lot of the station site. Submission are due by January 24, 2025.

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