BLDUP | The CRE Database

Permit SB2300137 at 1818 R Street Northwest, Washington DC, DC, 20009-5540

Issue Date





Dupont Circle Historic District One geotechnical boring will be drilled, B-1, with 6.25 in. diameter to 25 feet or refusal. Boring B-1 will be advanced using hollow stem augers with a track-mounted drill rig. No monitoring well will be installed. Wastes will be containerized in 55 gallon drums, characterized by analytical testing, and properly disposed of. The borehole will be tremie-grouted with 2 lb. bentonite: 1 gallon water grout upon completion. The closest intersection is R Street NW an...Dupont Circle Historic District One geotechnical boring will be drilled, B-1, with 6.25 in. diameter to 25 feet or refusal. Boring B-1 will be advanced using hollow stem augers with a track-mounted drill rig. No monitoring well will be installed. Wastes will be containerized in 55 gallon drums, characterized by analytical testing, and properly disposed of. The borehole will be tremie-grouted with 2 lb. bentonite: 1 gallon water grout upon completion. The closest intersection is R Street NW and 19th Street NW.
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