A permit for the amount of was issued on 09/12/23 to Ownership
Permit Details: general wiring entire building (Electrical)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 09/04/23 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building - Plumbing (permit renewal) (PL)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 08/18/23 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building (permit renewal) (NB)
A permit for the amount of $200,000.00 was issued on 08/09/23 to Ownership
Permit Details: Furnish and install new Overhead Geared Traction Passenger Elevator per ASME A17.1-2000/03, Part 2, Chapter 30 of 2014 BC, Appendix K. Perform required tests and inspections in the presence of a NYC Department of Buildings Elevator inspector. (Elevator)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 06/05/23 to Ownership
Permit Details: general wiring entire building (Electrical)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 05/01/23 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building (permit renewal) (NB)
A permit for the amount of $200,000.00 was issued on 03/14/23 to Ownership
Permit Details: Furnish and install new Overhead Geared Traction Passenger Elevator per ASME A17.1-2000/03, Part 2, Chapter 30 of 2014 BC, Appendix K. Perform required tests and inspections in the presence of a NYC Department of Buildings Elevator inspector. (Elevator)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 05/12/22 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building - Earthwork (permit renewal) (Earthwork)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 05/12/22 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building (permit renewal) (NB)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 05/12/22 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building - Foundation/Earthwork (permit renewal) (Foundation/Earthwork)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 05/02/22 to Ownership
Permit Details: Alteration - Construction equipment (Construction equipment)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 04/19/22 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building - Plumbing (PL)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 02/22/22 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building (permit renewal) (NB)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 02/22/22 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building - Earthwork (permit renewal) (Earthwork)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 02/22/22 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building - Foundation/Earthwork (permit renewal) (Foundation/Earthwork)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 08/17/21 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building - Earthwork (permit renewal) (Earthwork)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 08/17/21 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building (permit renewal) (NB)
A permit for the amount of was issued on 08/17/21 to Ownership
Permit Details: New building - Foundation/Earthwork (permit renewal) (Foundation/Earthwork)
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35 Port Richmond Ave.
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