1387 University Avenue Update 05/23/24

Building Permits Approved for 420+ Unit Affordable Housing Project in Highbridge

Building permits have been approved for a 26-story, residential development, set to rise at 1387 University Avenue in the Highbridge neighborhood of the Bronx.

The new, fully-electric building, is being developed by ; a non-profit organization that provides housing, treatment, support, and specialized programs for veterans, adolescents, seniors, and families. It will contain units in total, consisting of 316 affordable and supportive apartments, as well as 106 family shelter units.

Plans also call for several common spaces and an enclosed parking garage, with enough room for vehicles.

The development will aim for passive house certification and the structure will be constructed on a bluff, overlooking the Harlem River.

Designed by , 1387 University Avenue will stand feet tall and total square feet altogether. A construction timeline is not immediately clear at this time, but we do know that will serve as the general contractor.

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