Orient Heights Redevelopment Project
Orient Heights Redevelopment NPC approval keeps the project moving forward
Phase One of the Orient Heights Redevelopment was completed in Spring 2018. Phase Two of the revised project consists of the demolition of four structures on the northwestern edge of the project site and the construction of 88 residential units with a combination of the townhouse and mid-rise buildings, community space in the mid-rise building, 76 vehicle parking spaces, and open space and public realm improvements.
The NPC includes the following proposed changes to the project as it was originally approved:
A decrease of four residential units to be constructed as part of the Phase Two project, bringing the total from 92 to 88 units.
The elimination of two parking spaces, bringing the total from 78 to 76 parking spaces.
The elimination of 42 non-public residential units from the project, bringing the total number of residential units from 373 (a combination of public and non-public residential units) to 331 units (all public housing units).
The elimination of 49 parking spaces from the project, bringing the total number from 306 to 265 on-street and off-street parking spaces.
The elimination of approximately 57 bicycle parking spaces from the project, bringing the total number from 388 to 331 bicycle parking spaces.
An increase of approximately 73,290 square feet of open space from the project, bringing the total from 87,985 square feet to 161,275 square feet of open space.
The elimination of a roadway connection from Waldemar Avenue to Vallar Road.
The existing community center within the project site will be renovated instead of newly constructed, 1,000 square feet of community gathering space will be provided in Phase Two and 5,200 square feet of community gathering space will be provided in Phase Three.