Lemay Avenue Craft Brewery & Self-Storage Facility

Property Page

This is a request for a Project Development Plan to construct a self- storage facility with a microbrewery at 1025 Buckingham Street . A Replat is planned to subdivide the 6.35 acre lot into three lots. Lot 1 (1.066 acres) will contain a Craft Brewery building approximately 7,219 square feet. The brewery will be built after the completion of the approximate 104,000 square foot Self- Storage facility located on Lot 2 (4.536 acres). Lot 3 (.173 acres) is intended as a future building expansion site for either the Craft Brewery or Self- Storage facility. The property is located in the (I) - Industrial Zone District.

1025 Buckingham Street Overview

Organizations Working On 1025 Buckingham Street


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PRO Data

Sqft of Building : *******
Property Developer Name : **************
Property Developer Email : **************************
Property Developer Phone : **************
FAR : ***
Zoning : **********
Sqft of Land : *******
Industrial Sqft Land : ********