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MGH Expansion Project Overview

Address : 31 Fruit Street
City : Boston
State : MA
Zip : 02114
Sectors : Healthcare
Construction Status : ******************
Last Update : 06/28/24

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Latest News 12

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Feb 28, 2023

Interior Work Underway on Phase 1 MGH Hospital Expansion Project


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Recent Comments

As one who most definitely is a STRONG PROPONENT of new developments in the City of Boston and GREATER Boston in general, I would support the build-out of new, HIGHLY needed, and critically important HOSPITAL EXPANSION PROJECTS, yet in this case, I like the very old buildings that may be razed to the ground should the project get the green light. Therefore, I am, not outwardly saying no to the MGH expansion, but is there ANY WAY to incorporate the old to ancient West End buildings into the design, at least the facades?

I withdraw my previous commentary as I believe certain new developments must take precedence over preservation if such old buildings slated for demolition are NOT of American Historical importance; there are many districts in the Central Core of Boston already slated as Historical Districts and as I have stated on this Blog Site and others, BOSTON CANNOT BECOME an URBAN MUSEUM whereby there is a great impediment to the economic revitalization of the City that is tied intrinsically new construction developments. I am not one to join any sort of NIMBY ZEALOT groups.
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