Ward Wellington Ward - S Crouse / E Genesee Development

Property Page

About Ward Wellington Ward - S Crouse / E Genesee Development

Syracuse, NY

Proposed a six-story 305-unit apartment complex on East Genesee Street. The complex would be built in the area of Crouse Avenue and East Genesee Street – where 1029 and 1027 East Genesee Street currently stand. 1027 would be demolished, while 1029, a 1911 Ward Wellington Ward designed home, would be renovated, and used to provide amenities to residents of the new complex. 1027 was once occupied by the CNY Ronald McDonald House and is connected to 1029. 

1027 East Genesee Street Overview

Organizations Working On 1027 East Genesee Street


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Basic Details

Stories : *

PRO Data

Property Developer Name : *********************************
Property Developer Email : ************************
Property Developer Phone : *************
Proposed Units : ***
Apts Units Available : ***