William Penn Charter - New Lower School

Property Page

William Penn Charter - New Lower School

Philadelphia, PA

Penn Charter's new lower school will reshape learning for our youngest learners and unite pre-K to 12 students in a vibrant academic community. The school will be designed to reflect PC's curriculum and what research tells us about the way children learn and grow. Through the school's ample learning and playing spaces, students will be provided with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a complex world.

3000 West School House Lane Overview

Last Update: 03/27/24
Price / Sqft Acquisition of Land:
Permitted Construction:
Construction Status:
Sqft of Land:
Sqft of Residential:
Stories: 2
Frame Type:

Organizations Working On 3000 West School House Lane

General Contractors:

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Basic Details

Stories : *
Construction Cost : **************

PRO Data

General Contractor Phone : ***************
LLC Owner Email : ******************************
Start Date : ********
Building Cost/Sqft : *******