The Millennium at Metropolitan Park

Property Page

The Millennium at Metropolitan Park

Arlington, VA

18-story multifamily tower featuring 300 units constructed in 2009. Amenities include a rooftop pool with sundeck, a salon with a massage room, a mani/pedi room and spa shower, and a state-of-the-art fitness center with a tread wall and interactive bikes.

1330 South Fair Street Overview

Last Update: 01/24/22
Max Permit Value:
Permitted Construction:
Construction Status:
Sqft of Land:
Sqft of Building:
Sqft of Retail:
Sqft of Residential:
Final Units:
Building Height: 3'
Stories: 18
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Organizations Working On 1330 South Fair Street


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Basic Details

PRO Data

Sqft of Building : *******
Property Developer Name : *************************
Property Developer Email : ******************
Property Developer Phone : ************
LLC Owner Phone : ************
LLC Owner Email : ******************
Height : *
Date Acquired : ********
Final Units : ***
FAR : ****
Building Cost/Sqft : *****
Sqft of Land : ******
Sqft of Retail : *****
Sqft of Residential : *******
# of Parking Spaces : ***
Price per Door : *****
Apts Units Available : ***
Fitness Center : ***
Pool : ***
Residential Lounge : ***