2214, 2210 & 2205 Rock Hill Rd

Property Page

2214, 2210, and 2205 Rock Hill Rd,

Herndon, VA 20170

The Nominator seeks to amend the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan to modify an existing option for the redevelopment of the Property, formerly occupied by the Center for Innovative Technology, with a mix of uses to allow a greater proportion of residential use than currently contemplated under the Comprehensive Plan. 

There are two transit-oriented development options for the Property, which are as follows:

Option 1- The Comprehensive Plan recommendations under Rail Transit Option 1 are based on the land areas within ¼ mile and ½ mile of the Metro station, and both areas allow mixed-use development with multi-family residential, office, hotel, and retail. Within ¼ mile, the Comprehensive Plan recommends an intensity up to 2.8 FAR with 35% - 45% residential and 40% - 50% office. In the area between ¼ mile and ½ mile, the Comprehensive Plan recommends an intensity up to 1.6 FAR with 50% - 60% residential and 40% - 50% office. In each option, the remaining gross floor area is planned for hotel and retail uses. B. Rail Transit

Option 2 - The Property is planned for a mix of uses to include office, hotel and support retail uses at an intensity up to 4.0 FAR. The office component is planned for a maximum of 90% of the total gross floor area. This option does not permit residential use. 

2214 Rock Hill Road Overview

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Organizations Working On 2214 Rock Hill Road

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Basic Details

Construction Cost : *******

PRO Data

Sqft of Building : *********
Property Developer Name : ************************
Property Developer Email : *************************
Property Developer Phone : **************
LLC Owner Phone : ***************
LLC Owner Email : ***********************
FAR : ****
Building Cost/Sqft : *****
Sqft of Land : *********