Parkview Herndon

Property Page

About Parkview Herndon

Herndon, Va

A proposal is under review for three mixed-use buildings that will open up to the Herndon Station promenade. The nearly 5-acre site next to the entrance of the Herndon-Monroe Metro Station, flanking the proposed promenade. The latest submission has significantly less height and density than former proposals.

The first building, facing the Dulles Toll Road and Metro Station, will be 170 ft. tall. It will have retail and residential on the base, a parking garage in the middle section, and office space in the upper section. A staff memo states that “The architectural design of the garage and the office building are very different and visually express two different forms and means of articulation. Ways to better tie the two together should be explored,” and described the parking garage as "imposing."

Buildings two and three will be an 85 ft. tall. Mid-Rise Residential Building.

593 Herndon Parkway Overview

Construction Status:

Organizations Working On 593 Herndon Parkway


Key Data, Images & News

PRO Data

Height : ***
Under Review On : ********
Approved On : ********
Proposed Units : ***
FAR : ***
Sqft of Land : *******
Apts Units Available : ***