BLDUP | The CRE Database

Permit B2203575 at 705 Edgewood Street Northeast, Washington DC, DC, 20017

Issue Date





Level 2 alteration from unfinished space to interior office space. The interior tenant space will have new electrical sub-panel, toilet rooms and HVAC system. To provide day lighting, new storefront glazing will be added to the south and southeast exterior walls. A new egress door and entry cover will be added to align with the previously permitted exterior stairs and sidewalks on the adjacent property to the south. A new 2 stop elevator adjacent to the existing southeast stair and accessible...Level 2 alteration from unfinished space to interior office space. The interior tenant space will have new electrical sub-panel, toilet rooms and HVAC system. To provide day lighting, new storefront glazing will be added to the south and southeast exterior walls. A new egress door and entry cover will be added to align with the previously permitted exterior stairs and sidewalks on the adjacent property to the south. A new 2 stop elevator adjacent to the existing southeast stair and accessible ramp on the northeast end of the existing elevated platform will be added to provide an accessible path from the existing parking deck above and public right of way. A multi-tenant public restroom will be added as well as a bicycle storage room providing required long-term bicycle spaces.
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