Edge on Broadway

Property Page

About Edge on Broadway

6149 N. Broadway St, Edgewater, Chicago, IL 60660

6149 N Broadway is a permitted project in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago. The residential development will feature 105 units. The transit-oriented project will feature 45 parking spaces but is nearby to many public transport options. 

6147 North Broadway Overview

Last Update: 06/07/24
Max Permit Value:
Permitted Construction:
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Basic Details

Stories : *
Construction Cost : ***********

PRO Data

Sqft of Building : ******
Property Developer Name : *********
Property Developer Email : ****************************
Property Developer Phone : ************
Architect Name : **********
Architect Email : ************************
Architect Phone : ************
Final Units : ***
Building Cost/Sqft : *****
Sqft of Retail : *****
# of Parking Spaces : **
Price per Door : *********
Apts Units Available : ***
Fitness Center : ***
Residential Lounge : ***
CoWorking Space : ***