68 Moulton Street

Property Page

About 68 Moulton Street,

Alewife, Cambridge, MA 02474

A 3-story, Class-A office building located in Cambridge's Alewife neighborhood, 68 Moulton Street features 25,536 SF of office space near the Alewife MBTA subway station.

68 Moulton Street Overview

Last Update: 11/02/21
Acquisition Cost:
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Organizations Working On 68 Moulton Street


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Basic Details

Construction Cost : ***********

PRO Data

Sqft of Building : ******
LLC Owner : *****************
LLC Owner Phone : **************
LLC Owner Email : ****z*************
Acquisition Purchase Price : **************
Date Acquired : ********
Price/SQFT of Acquisition Building : *******
Building Cost/Sqft : ******
Sqft of Office : ******