BMC Cornerstone

Property Page

About BMC Cornerstone

40 Teed Drive, Randolph, MA

Spanning 7,000 square feet, this space was renovated to create a “robotic pharmacy” – the first of its kind for BMC. The majority of the space features a conveyor system flanked by several work stations, all connected to a robot that sorts medications and prepares specific, individual patient prescriptions. The space also includes an office area with new cubicles, a comfortable meeting area with couches, a television, kitchenette, and a group of bathrooms with lockers, a loading dock, and a mechanical room.

In an effort to provide a better work environment for its staff, BMC placed an emphasis on style and design. Isgenuity, the project architect, incorporated a unique design and color scheme that expertly accomplished BMC’s vision.

40 Teed Drive Overview

Last Update: 02/24/21
Address: 40 Teed Drive
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Organizations Working On 40 Teed Drive

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LLC Owner : ***