Centech Park North

Property Page

About Centech Park North

Shrewsbury, MA

Formerly known as the Allen Property, Centech Park North is a 66-acre property located in historic Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. The site is situated between Routes 9 and 20, and just over a mile from the Grafton commuter rail station along the MBTA Worcester-Framingham line. Zoned as Office/Research with a Flexible Development Overlay District, permitted uses include Office, Research and Development, Laboratory, Accessory Manufacturing, Assisted Living, Healthcare, or Campus. This parcel is fully equipped with utilities and the development of a roadway in the northern section is underway. The Shrewsbury Development Corporation welcomes discussions with developers interested in the site.

384 South Street Overview

Last Update: 03/27/23
Address: 384 South Street
Permitted Construction:
Construction Status:
Loan Amount:

Organizations Working On 384 South Street

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Basic Details

Stories : *
Construction Cost : **************

PRO Data

Sqft of Building : *******
Property Developer Name : ********************
Property Developer Phone : ************
LLC Owner Phone : ************
Start Date : ********
Building Cost/Sqft : *******
Sqft of Office : ******