35-41 Laurel Street

Property Page

About 35-41 Laurel Street

Somerville, MA

12-unit multifamily investment asset in the burgeoning Union Square neighborhood of Somerville, MA. The property is located in the epicenter of Somerville’s US2 15 million square foot, $2 billion real estate development project, which is poised to transform the city into a major hub for life sciences, technology, and innovation. The property features a mix of 1+-bedroom/1-bathroom units and 2-bedroom/1-bathroom units, all of which are in good condition. The property has recently undergone a number of capital improvements, including new roofing, new windows, and new HVAC systems. The property also has 12 parking spots, which is a valuable commodity in the densely populated Union Square neighborhood.

35 Laurel Street Overview

Last Update: 02/19/24
Address: 35 Laurel Street
Acquisition Cost:
Date Acquired:
Permitted Construction:
Construction Status:
Loan Amount:

Organizations Working On 35 Laurel Street

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Key Data, Images & News

PRO Data

Sqft of Building : ******
Acquisition Purchase Price : *************
Date Acquired : ********
Final Units : **
FAR : ****
Price/SQFT of Acquisition Building : ******
Price/SQFT of Acquisition Land : *******
Sqft of Land : ******
# of Parking Spaces : **
Apts Units Available : ***