Since 1984 we have been improving our glass and windows’ optical quality, strength and durability. Our brands—Tecnoglass, ESWindows and Alutions—are fully integrated into a 2.6 million-square-foot facility, allowing us to offer single-source responsibility on all of our products.
Tecnoglass is the destination for customers who want high-quality glass that meets custom needs, is offered at competitive prices and comes with timely delivery. Our record-breaking technology has made us a one-stop-shop for all glass needs, including tempered, laminated and insulating glass, as well as glass with screen printing, impact-resistant glazing, and curved glass.
We want to help make your vision a reality. That’s why we combine our selection of pioneering architectural glazing with one-on-one guidance from our industry and project experts. We strive to fulfill our customers’ quality and service expectations while maintaining our competitiveness through empowerment … and this is what makes us unique.
It is not only about the glass, but also about what it can transform into.
Meeting the Demand for Better Quality
Tecnoglass Overview
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Nov 09, 2018
Certificate of Occupancy Issued for Wentworth's New Academic Building
Jun 21, 2018
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