7303 Laurel Creek Court Overview

Permitted Construction:

BLDUP Latest Activity

A permit for the amount of $2,500.00 was issued on 03/12/24 to Ownership.

Permit Details: Exterior French Drain Install for Side Lawn Hello, We have been having water pool up on the left side of our lawn every time there's heavy rain. Our landscaper has suggested a French drain install (approximately 100 square feet) to help move water away from our home (without affecting our neighbors) to further drain the water during heavy rain and resolve the swampy/soft grass areas on our lawn. We discussed regrading/swale but French drains were the best option. Our gutter company was also consulted and they asked us to work with our landscaper. The water eventually drains but since we are expecting more heavy rain during the spring season we would like to proceed with this project to mitigate any severe issues in the future. The French drain will follow the same path the water is currently draining from. 811 was called and utilities have been contacted to complete markup prior to start of project which is tentatively scheduled for Saturday March 16th pending permit issuance and HOA board approval.